Urban Forestry Commission
The Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission
The Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) is a permanent subcommittee of the Whitewater Parks and Recreation Department. The UFC is tasked with educating the public about the importance of our urban forest.
The Urban Forestry Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the city council on all issues relating to trees and shrubs located within street right-of-ways, parks, and other public places in the city, and to any other matter involving trees and shrubs that affect, or may affect, public areas.
The UFC is also charged with developing and managing the Arboretum At Starin Park.
Tree City
The Tree City USA program is a national program that provides the framework for community forestry management for cities and towns across America. Whitewater is part of the Tree City USA program. Please visit the Tree City USA website for more information.
One of the major goals of the Whitewater UFC is improving the extent, health, and diversity of the tree canopy citywide. The AASP Annual Tree Sale is part of this effort. Watch for other upcoming initiatives.